I had a similar situation with my interface with Moen Faucet.  The had a
'lock' record scheme set up so that they would write a record indicating
that the were getting ready to upload the data from the 'orders to ship'
file.  If my ftp program saw that record, it was not supposed to append to
the orders file.  If I was going to append to the orders file, I would write
the lock record so that they would not start uploading until I was finished.
This worked about 98% of the time, but 2% of the time records were getting
lost, or partial orders were being uploaded on their side.

Before I ever wrote the first line of code for the order interface, I told
them that their locking scheme was faulty, but I was told to do it anyway.
Eventually this because a big enough problem that they finally listened to
me.  My solution was to create a "master and slave" locking process with a
15 second delay.  (They liked this since I did all the programming, and they
were the Master".)  What I did was when I would write my locking record, I
would wait 15 seconds and check the lock record to see if I had written it,
or if they had overwritten my lock record with theirs.  If they had
overwritten my record, I knew that there was a collision similar to yours,
and I would wait 5 minutes and try again.  If not, I would go ahead and

This solved their problem that they had experienced for over 7 years with
other subsidiary companies as well as with mine.

My reward?

They closed our division.

You just gotta love the logic of big corporations.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Dana Baron
Sent: Monday, December 20, 2004 06:39
To: U2-Users (E-mail)
Subject: [U2] Writeseq quirkiness - the answer


And the prize goes to Kevin King! He came up with the "write" answer to
solve my writeseq problem. Of course, he had an advantage since he helped
write the application in the first place. Still, I was stumped and his
answer worked. Thank you (once again!), Kevin.

For those who care: To understand the solution, you need a little more
background. The code segment I sent is part of an application that manages
the interface between my Unidata application and a third-party device, which
in turn manages the interface with a bunch of other devices. When I want to
send data out of my application, I create a file with a .out extension and
write the appropriately formatted data to the file. A program written by
Kevin King sits out there looking for files with .out extensions. When it
finds one, it reads the file and sends the data to the third-party device.
It then deletes the file. And this is wherein lay the problem, and the

What was happening was, my program would open the file (OPENSEQ) and Kevin's
program would come along and try to read it, then delete it, then I'd try to
write to it (WRITESEQ), but by then it was gone. I changed the code a little
bit to open the file with a .tmp extension, write to that, then rename it to
.out. Works great!

There are still a few mysteries: why does the original code work for just
about every situation, then suddenly fail for one new situation that is
seemly the same as all the others? But heck, it works so I'll go with it.

Thanks to everyone who responded with a solution. And the u2 list comes
through again!

Dana Baron
System Manager
Smugglers' Notch Resort
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