I agree with Rich, with an addendum:

Hey, simple fix.  The low bandwidth users can simply unsubscribe when they
don't have any questions, and then subscribe again when they do until they
have an answer and then unsubscribe again.

And as far as zealots go, that's a poor subject to piggy-back on top of a
suggestion for LIMITING responses, as obviously it just functioned to
solicit a huge response.

An opinion on *any* subject is BOUND to have more than one side, and
branding someone as "a fanatic" because they don't share your opinion is
just plain mean, disrespectful and has nothing to do with the purpose of the
list of helping those that need help through community good will.

I avoid using GOTO's, but there are languages and constructs where NOT using
a GOTO just doesn't make any sense.

zeal.ot    ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (zlt)

One who is zealous, especially excessively so.
A fanatically committed person.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Richard Taylor
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2004 08:15
Subject: RE: [U2] The list format and usefulness

My $0.02

I strongly disagree with this approach.

1) I think you would lose some valuable and useful responses as not all
summaries will be posted

2) I like to see the alternative approaches as my particular problem may
not be exactly like the one posted, but one of the solutions might well
work for me.

3) I can easily delete threads I don't want to read so this is not a
bother.  I consider the risk of missing useful information more important.
(BTW, GOTO's are the root of all evil :) )

4) In today's world bandwidth is simply not the issue it used to be.  Give
me the information and let me search.  If it is of concern to someone then
can select digest mode which would at least control when the impact is

I am not say that Dave it doing this, but please don't let this board turn
into a place where people get flamed for asking a repetitive or "dumb"
question.  I have seen this happen in other forums and it really turns off
active participation by all but a few 'elite' members.

For me I would rather see folks spend a little more time on the subject
line to make searching easier then worry about posting summaries.

Rich Taylor | Senior Programmer/Analyst| VERTIS
250 W. Pratt Street | Baltimore, MD 21201
P 410.361.8688 | F 410.528.0319
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.vertisinc.com

Vertis is the premier provider of targeted advertising, media, and
marketing services that drive consumers to marketers more effectively.

"The more they complicate the plumbing
  the easier it is to stop up the drain"

- Montgomery Scott NCC-1701

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Logan, David (SST
- Adelaide)
Sent: Monday, December 20, 2004 7:41 PM
Subject: [U2] The list format and usefulness

Hi Folks,

After becoming a little frustrated of seeing and reading the same old
stuff, day in and day out, and IMHO the list not having the same useful
content as previously, I have number of suggestions.

With a number of other groups, a different format is used, a question is
asked, replies are sent directly to the person asking the question and
this person then summarises for the groups benefit.

This has couple of immediate advantages :

1) stops arguments on the relative benefits of a GOTO over a LOOP for
the 53rd time. (30 replies on the last one).
2) stops multiple answers clogging bandwidth of everybody on the list.
eg. being told how to MAT var = '' 9 times.

People need to also have a little more discipline and perhaps utilise
the community list when appropriate. I choose not to subscribe so am not
aware if it gets much of a hammering but perhaps it could do with a
little more. This format provides that discipline.

I am aware there useful posts and the responses can be very helpful but
we could also promote the use and searching of the archives prior to
posting. This would trim down a number of the duplicate posts.

I feel these simple measures would cut down considerably on duplicate
and unnecessary traffic.

Donning asbestos underpants now.


David Logan
Database Administrator
HP Managed Services
148 Frome Street,
Adelaide 5000

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+61 417 268 665 - Mobile
+61 8 8408 4259 - Fax
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