Thanks, LeRoy, I _knew_ I'd seen it somewhere.

Pity this 10.0 improvement isn't mentioned in the 10.1 documentation.
Any chance of it being in the 10.1A docco, or will we have to wait for
Or can it be at least mentioned in the 10.1 patch list / release notes
for the time being?



-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Leroy Dreyfuss
Sent: Thursday, 27 January 2005 17:41
Subject: Re: Unclassified RE: [U2] [UV] Run phantom as another user

>From the UV 10.0.19 patchlist file:

Issue  Short Description
-----  -----------------
3766         In order to run a phantom process as a different user, an
             enhancement has been made to the PHANTOM command. The
             syntax is as follows:

                         PHANTOM [BRIEF] [SQUAWK] command -U username

             When you are logged in as root, you can specify -U and the
             username to run the phantom process as a different user. On
             Windows platforms, you must also specify the password for


LeRoy F. Dreyfuss
Product Manager
IBM UniVerse and UniData (U2) Extended Relational Databases IBM DB2
Information Management Software
Tel: 303-672-1254          Fax: 303-294-4832
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