Hola all -

We've suddenly had some resources freed up from another project and are looking to rapidly replace the 12-14 year old SGI Challenge Ls (which, truly, are still performing magnificently in most respects) we have our UniVerse 9.6 installation on.

We've so far primarily tested on U2 10.1.x running on redHat AS 3.2 and we're starting to get quotes for hardware, and we've concentrated on x86 so far; the Sun guys came by today & pitched a very nice price for 4 way Opteron based 40Zs, but they also made a fairly strong case for the virtualization/compartmentalization features of Solaris 10. I know it's kind of early yet, but has anyone tried running U2 in these containers? I'm fascinated by the idea (as we could dual-purpose the box and not have to worry so much about our high-availability needs), but it will take a while before I can actually get to trying it out on the SunBlade 100 here, so I'm interested if anyone's tried this, perhaps from the Solaris 10 betas.

Thanks very much for any input.

Peter Ivanick
Sr. Programmer/Analyst
School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
Phone: 215.573.2306    Fax: 215.573.8777
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