Hi all,

I'm on a site doing some work enhancing a web site running RedBack. 

Except that is not running: it is crawling, and I've never seen RedBack
so slow. Their server *is* fairly slow and old (running 9.2 uv on AIX)
but on top of the time taken to actually run the subroutines, it seems
that virtually every method call seems to add an extra 2 seconds
overhead, so the cumulative effect is horrible.

It's not their web server: I've pointed the same web server to a dev
account on my laptop and it flies. Same RBOs, same code. No delays.

I've also checked the other direction: running a gateway and IIS on my
laptop to access their uv server. Slow. So it isn't anything specific
to networking between their web server and uv server.

They are running RedBack 3.5.x. Does anyone recall any performance
issues/fixes around that time? Helpfully, the performance monitoring
option doesn't work.

Any help greatly appreciated.

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