Are you running backup exec?
Anything else funky on your server?  Virus software?
Are there any messages at the server, popup boxes, errors, warnings, event log 
entries that look funky?
Have you upsized or bumped your udt parms in confprod.exe?
CPU / RAM do anything funky when the mass logout occurs?
<poking in the dark here>
Anythink funky in your log / error log files in the ud6 bin directory?

        -----Original Message----- 
        From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Lettau, Jeff 
        Sent: Tue 2/15/2005 8:44 PM 
        Subject: [U2] Sessions getting logged out in bulk.

        We are having an issue with users getting logged off the system.  It
        appears to only happen when more then one person is entering a sales
        order or similar transaction.  I'm unable to re-produce it as a single
        user.  When one of the people ends out of the order to save it, the
        system will logoff multiple people.  Up to 15.  Even if they are just at
        a menu.  The users do have to be in that database account.  Alternate
        accounts don't appear to be effected.
        It is not with every order and we can not figure out if there is
        anything consistent when they are getting logged off.
        We have eliminated the possibility that it is a network issue or that
        the nic card is bad.  We replaced it and updated drivers.
        It's not a memory leak with the database.  That we have found at least.
        odbc and oledb both work without a problem.
        We eliminated the broadcom network card so that is no longer a potential
        Anyone have anything remotely close to this happen before?  I'm looking
        for anything at this point so feel free to suggest bizarre answers.  At
        the very least it may put me in a better mood.
        We are suspecting that it is something weird with the software and not
        the database directly but can't be sure.  Even if it is something with
        the programs, maybe someone has seen something like this before in other
        applications and can give a starting point to look for something.
        We are running windows2k UD6.0
        Jeffrey Lettau
        ERP Systems Manager
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