I think Brian's comments were excellent and very accurate.   Redback itself
is relatively easy to use.  I think he hit it right on the head with it's
the myriad of other technologies that can make it seem daunting.   Coming
from a U2/Pick background,  the major hurdles in my learning curve were
clearly the web technologies.   You need knowledge of
html/javascript/vbscript/ASP to put out commercial grade browser based
product.   Now you have .Net or the Java world worlds as the latest
technology options to use with Redback.   Redback is a piece of cake if you
know the web side.   

As you get into UOJ, the exact same learning curve applies.   I think your
level of productivity would be about the same with Redback.  In fact,  I'd
say the curve you go through with UOJ is the same as that of Redback with
.Net.   Very similar stuff IMO.   As you get to issues like scaling up or
apps that support a larger number of users,  Redback will shine and it works
with all the web the technologies (ASP/ASP.Net/Java/JSP).

Mike R. 

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2005 12:57 PM
To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
Subject: RE: [U2] Redback Startup

The problem here is that IBM is behind a tool that happens to be the most
difficult one of the breed to work with imho !
   And possible the most expensive as well.  Of course it may be the "best"
at certain things.
   But those of us who want to "get out business on the web" don't
necessarily want to spend three weeks in training and another nine months
figuring out how to use it.  Mostly we just want to start using it.
   So to my mind, that's a real problem.  As a programmer, using ASP without
Redback at all, I'm at least able to start getting interaction from U2 to
and from the web and can learn as I go.  And so far it hasn't cost me
Will Johnson
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