Some comments interspersed for those not comfortable with virtual
fields.  The primary context here is UD, but I note some differences
between UV & UD.  Then an example.


From:  Anthony W. Youngman
>Certainly I would recommend never pointing a virtual field

By the way, the term "virtual" comes from UD, not UV.  I like it,
because it nicely distinguishes between stored & derived (real &
virtual, respectively).  UV sticks with the old Prime
"Information"-descriptor  wording.  UD allowed dictionary items as
either "I"- & "V"-types, synonymously; UV, "I"- only.

> at a virtual field in a different file,

You can't with UV.  I wish you could.  I did not know UD allowed it.  I
don't see that as _inherently_ bad, just abusABLE.  See more comments

> but wouldn't think twice at pointing virtual fields at each other
> in the same file

Right.  I encourage it.  It's called REUSEABLE CODE.
The only downside is a lack of a native tool for managing dictionary
snippets.   What I mean is, I'd like to look at a UniQuery/RetrieVe
sentence, see all the dictionary items it references, including related,
nested virtual fields in a way that is easy to read and maintain.
The best tool I have seen for doing that is called SoftWhere, by Joe
Toledo.  I think Ray Jones has something, too.  Others?

> (provided they don't use @n syntax!!!)

UV imposes this restriction.  If you attempt to reference an
I-descriptor where the nested I-descriptor does not have multiple
calculations, separated by semi-colons, it won't compile.  (This is a
weakness, in my opinion.  Probably deep in the I-descriptor compiler and
not easily changed.)


Example demonstrating double translate, reusable code, @n-syntax:

    01: I
    02: PRICE * TAX.RATE

    01: I
        TAX.RATE, 'X' )

If you are going to reference it from TOTAL.COST, this is not allowed:

      01: I Customer's tax rate.
          @1, TAX.RATE, 'X' )

which is a shame, because it is more readable.

Concerning efficiency in the above:
I would not hesitate to do the above double TRANS().
TAX.TABLE is likely to be small.  It is likely to be loaded into memory
by a modern OS and remain there for the duration, probably even
permanently cached on a busy system.
If your data is sorted by customer, so that you are going after the same
record repeatedly through your RetrieVe/UniQuery statement before
advancing to the next, the OS will likely keep that same one cached in
memory for the duration, too.
Furthermore, on UV (UD, too??) TRANS() has some efficiency built in,
too.  If you ask TRANS() for a field from the same record as last time,
it has it cached.  So if your report lists CUST.NAME CUST.ADDR,
CUST.PHONE, etc., for the same CUST.ID, TRANS() gets the CUSTOMER record
only once.

(By the way, I find on UV that I simply cannot devote too much memory to
caching files.  The more memory, the better.  I don't know how UD
compares, but for some reason, UV demands this more than our Oracle,
Informix, and SQL DBs, to achieve acceptable performance.  Conversely,
UV leaves a smaller per-process private memory footprint.)

It is nice to define TAX.RATE once in this dictionary.
Putting TAX.RATE in it's own V- or I- descriptor and referencing it from
TOTAL.COST, other virtual fields, or explicitly is nice because maybe
today it is a simple lookup in STATE.TABLE, but next year it might be a
subroutine call to account for Canadian methods, or in 2009, after
President Steve Forbes replaces US income tax with a national sales

Even more Reusable:

The way it is now (in UV), every dictionary (or program) that knows a
CUST.ID and needs a tax rate needs to do the double lookup:

What would be nicest is if TAX.RATE could be defined in CUSTOMER
dictionary as a virtual field (perhaps a subroutine call for the
multi-country case) so that rather than needing to do the double
translate, you reference TRANS( CUSTOMER, CUST.ID, TAX.RATE, 'X' ) and
you get back whatever data retrieval or calculation is defined ONCE in
In UV you cannot do this.  Can you in UD?   I suppose this is a
sub-topic of the larger issue (virtue or tragic flaw; see flames in past
threads) of the loose [non-]coupling of dictionary & data access

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