Thanks, Bjorn.

There doesn't seem to be a need for the System Builder $INCLUDE or the
call to SET.COMMON as long as the AM entries are changed to @AM.  I'm
curious, though, as to why you would write it to only run on cataloged
programs.  Like you said, it can be modified to suit our needs but I was
just wondering.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:owner-u2-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bjorn Behr
> Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 12:22 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [U2] Subroutine utility
> Here is one I wrote a whle back, when I needed it.
> It currently looks for any call statements and explodes them and
> it
> in a tree structure..
> Of course, to can be modified to suit your needs.
> Regards
> Bjorn
> Program Start:
> * -------------------------------------------------------------------
> * AUTHOR : Bjorn Behr (BJB)
> * DATE   : 14/05/03
> * DESC   : Program to display all Call Routines in the Requested
> *        : Program
> * -------------------------------------------------------------------
> * No   Date     Who  Description
> * --   ----     ---  -----------
> * H00  14/05/03 BJB  Original Code
> * ===================================================================
>       PROMPT ""
>       GOSUB Initialization
>       GOSUB GetCalls
>       GOSUB DisplayCalls
> ExitOnError:
>       RETURN
> * ===================================================================
> * -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Initialization:
>       DIM RecordArray(250)
>       DIM OrigArray(250)
>       DIM RowNumber(250)
> * Open Files
>       OPEN "MD" TO MD ELSE STOP 201,"MD"
>       OPEN "NOTES" TO SCalls ELSE STOP 201,"NOTES"
> *  Variables
> ** Get Depth number
>       DepthNo = 250
>       LOOP
>          CRT @(-1)
>          CRT @(10,12):"How far do you want to explode 'Calls' [1-250]
: ":
>          INPUT DepthNo
>          IF (DepthNo = "") THEN DepthNo = 250
>       UNTIL (DepthNo > 0) AND (DepthNo < 251)
>       REPEAT
> ** Ask if you want to see DISP's or not
>       DispAns = ""
>       LOOP
>          CRT @(10,13):"Do you want to see DISP Calls [Y/N] : ":
>          INPUT DispAns, 1
>          DispAns = UPCASE(DispAns)
>       UNTIL (DispAns = "Y") OR (DispAns = "N")
>       REPEAT
> ** Ask if you want to see INPX or not
>       InpxAns = ""
>       LOOP
>          CRT @(10,14):"Do you want to see INPX Calls [Y/N] : ":
>          INPUT InpxAns, 1
>          InpxAns = UPCASE(InpxAns)
>       UNTIL (InpxAns = "Y") OR (InpxAns = "N")
>       REPEAT
> ** Ask if you want to see Comments or not
>       CommentAns = ""
>       LOOP
>          CRT @(10,15):"Do you want to see Comments   [Y/N] : ":
>          INPUT CommentAns, 1
>          CommentAns = UPCASE(CommentAns)
>       UNTIL (CommentAns = "Y") OR (CommentAns = "N") DO
>       REPEAT
> *
>       ProgramArray = ""
>       CallArray = ""
>       Blink = " | "
>       FileArray = ""
>       ArrayCounter = 1
>       RowCounter = ""
>       ProgramName = OCONV(@SENTENCE,"G1 1")
>       Extras = OCONV(@SENTENCE,"G2 1")
>       CallArray<-1> = "Call Statement Listing for
> ":@(-13):ProgramName:@(-14)
>       ProgramArray<1,ArrayCounter> = ProgramName
>       SearchString = "CALL"
>       CRT @(-1)
>       CRT "Selecting Records!":
>       StringLength = LEN(SearchString) -1
>       LineString = ""
>       LineLength = ""
>       RETURN
> * -------------------------------------------------------------------
> * Get Calls
> * =========
> * 1. Read the Program from the program file
> * 2. Loop through Program looking for CALL
> * 3. Place Calls into an array
> * 4. Look for which file the program belongs in
> * -------------------------------------------------------------------
> GetCalls:
> * Look for File
>       ProgramName = ProgramArray<1,ArrayCounter>
>       READ MDRec FROM MD,ProgramName THEN
>          MDLine2 = MDRec<2>
>          Delims = DCOUNT(MDLine2,"\")
>          IF (Delims > 1) THEN
>             ObjTable = FIELD(MDLine2,"/",2)
>          END ELSE
>             ObjTable = FIELD(MDLine2,"/",3)
>          END
>          SrcTable = ObjTable[1,LEN(ObjTable)-2]
>          SrcTable = TRIM(SrcTable)
>          OPEN SrcTable TO File ELSE
>             CallArray<-1> = "!! NB !! - File ":SrcTable:" not found"
>             ArrayCounter += -1
>             RETURN
>          END
>       END
>       FileArray<1,ArrayCounter> = SrcTable
> * 1. Read File
>       READ Rec FROM File,ProgramName ELSE
>          CallArray<-1> = "!! NB !! :- ":ProgramName:" not a valid
> in
> ":FileArray<1,ArrayCounter>
>       END
>       CRT @(0,2):@(-4):"Record Depth : ":ArrayCounter
>       IF (ArrayCounter = 250) THEN
>          Write CallArray ON MD,"BJORN.TEST"
>       END
>       RecordArray(ArrayCounter) = Rec
> * 2. Loop through program looking for call
>       RowCounter<ArrayCounter> = DCOUNT(RecordArray(ArrayCounter),AM)
>       FOR RowNumber(ArrayCounter) = 1 TO RowCounter<ArrayCounter>
>          LineString =
>          LineLength = LEN(LineString)
>          CallFound = 0
>          FOR CharCounter = 1 TO (LineLength - StringLength) UNTIL
> (CallFound)
>             Pos1 = CharCounter
>             Pos2 = CharCounter + StringLength
>             CheckString = TRIM(LineString[Pos1,Pos2])
>             IF CheckString = SearchString THEN
> * 3. Display Calls
> * ---->>> Original Code <<<----
> *      SpaceCount = (ArrayCounter - 1) * 3
> *      CallArray<-1> =
> ":TRIM(LineString[1,LineLength])
> * Extract File Name And Check For DISP / INPX
>                CheckProgram = TRIM(LineString)
>                IF (TRIM(LineString[1,1]) # "*") THEN
>                   CheckProgram = OCONV(CheckProgram,"G1 1")
>                END ELSE
>                   CheckProgram = OCONV(CheckProgram,"G2 1")
>                END
>                CheckProgram = OCONV(CheckProgram,"G(1")
>                CheckProgram = OCONV(CheckProgram,"G;1")
>                SaveLine = "Y"
>                IF (CheckProgram = "DISP") AND (DispAns = "N") THEN
>                   SaveLine = "N"
>                END
>                IF (SaveLine = "Y") THEN
>                   IF (CheckProgram = "INPX") ANd (InpxAns = "N") THEN
>                      SaveLine = "N"
>                   END
>                END
>                IF (SaveLine = "Y") THEN
>                   IF (LineString[1,1] = "*") AND (CommentAns = "N")
>                      SaveLine = "N"
>                   END
>                END
>                IF (SaveLine = "Y") THEN
> * ====>>> Modified Code <<<====     An attempt at lining up subrs
>                   SpaceCount = (ArrayCounter - 1)
>                   CallLine = STR(Blink, SpaceCount)
>                   CallLine := RowNumber(ArrayCounter)"R%4":": "
>                   CallLine := TRIM(LineString[1,LineLength])
>                   CallArray<-1> = CallLine
> * ===<<< End of Modification >>>=== *
>                   CallFound = 1
> * Check for comments
>                   IF (LineString[1,1] # "*") THEN
>                      NewProgram = TRIM(LineString)
>                      NewProgram = OCONV(NewProgram,"G1 1")
>                      NewProgram = OCONV(NewProgram,"G(1")
>                      NewProgram = OCONV(NewProgram,"G;1")
>                      ArrayCounter += 1
>                      ProgramArray<1,ArrayCounter> = NewProgram
>                      OrigProgram = ProgramArray<1,ArrayCounter-1>
>                      IF (NewProgram # OrigProgram) AND (ArrayCounter
> DepthNo) THEN
>                         GOSUB GetCalls
>                      END ELSE
>                         ArrayCounter += -1
>                      END
>                   END
>                END
>             END
>          NEXT CharCounter
> NextLoop:
>       Next RowNumber(ArrayCounter)
>       ArrayCounter += -1
>       RETURN
> * -------------------------------------------------------------------
> * DisplayCalls
> * ============
> * 1. Set Counters to 0
> * 2. Display Calls with looping functionality
> * -------------------------------------------------------------------
> DisplayCalls:
> * 1. Set Counters
>       RowCounter1 = 1
>       RowCounter2 = 0
>       TryNumber = 0
>       InputAns = ""
>       MaxCalls = DCOUNT(CallArray,AM)
>       LOOP
>          IF NOT(TryNumber) THEN
>             TryNumber = 1
>             RowCounter1 = 1
>          END ELSE
>             CRT @(0,23):"[F]orwards, [B]ack, [T]op, [E]nd, [P]rint,
> :
> ":
>             IF (Extras # "") THEN
>                DATA Extras
>                Extras = ""
>             END
>             INPUT InputAns, 1
>          END
>          InputAns = UPCASE(InputAns)
>       UNTIL (InputAns = "Q") DO
>          BEGIN CASE
>             CASE InputAns = "F"
>                RowCounter1 += 20
>                IF (RowCounter1 > MaxCalls) THEN
>                   RowCounter1 = MaxCalls
>                END
>             CASE InputAns = "B"
>                RowCounter1 += -20
>                IF (RowCounter1 < 1) THEN
>                   RowCounter1 = 1
>                END
>             CASE InputAns = "T"
>                RowCounter1 = 1
>             CASE InputAns = "E"
>                RowCounter1 = MaxCalls
>             CASE InputAns = "P"
>                PRINTER ON
>                PRINT "Call Listing for ":ProgramArray<1,1>:" - Printed
>                FOR J_MaxCalls = 2 TO MaxCalls
>                   PRINT CallArray<J_MaxCalls>
>                NEXT J_MaxCalls
>                PRINTER CLOSE
>                PRINTER OFF
>             CASE InputAns = "S"
>                WRITE CallArray ON SCalls,ProgramArray<1,1>
>             CASE 1
>          END CASE
>          CRT @(-1)
> * Setup RowCounter2
>          RowCounter2 = RowCounter1 + 20
>          IF (RowCounter2 > MaxCalls) THEN
>             RowCounter2 = MaxCalls
>             RowCounter1 = RowCounter2 - 20
>             IF (RowCounter1 < 1) THEN RowCounter1 = 1
>          END
> * 2. Display Calls
>          FOR J_RowCounter = RowCounter1 TO RowCounter2
>             CRT CallArray<J_RowCounter>
>          NEXT J_RowCounter
>       REPEAT
>       RETURN
> * ------------------------- END OF PROGRAM ---------------------------
> Program End:
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Horn, John
> Sent: 23 February 2005 12:41
> To: U2 Mailing List (E-mail)
> Cc: Roberts, Robert
> Subject: [U2] Subroutine utility
> Have any of you every seen or heard of a utility that would take a
> program and identify what programs were called by that program and
> continue
> to transverse down those programs until all programs were identified?
>   - John M. Horn
>     IT Technical Expert
>     HealthLink, Inc.
>     314-989-6050
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