I agree with Kevin's answer.  Also, it may depend on which U2
product/pick-like product you are using.

I always try to order the WITH statements so the one selecting the
fewest records is first.  However, I always place the fields with
translates last since I know that translates are much more expensive
than looking at data within the record.

Dick Kryka
Director of Applications
CCCS of Greater Denver, Inc.
Paragon Financial Services

Hi All,
        Does the order of criteria matter in a select or list statement,
or is the execution order arbitrary? 

For example, if I wanted to select vendors who sell apples in Denver, 
is "Select vendors with location='Denver' and products='Apples'" 
the same as "Select vendors with products='Apples' and
Given that out of 300 vendors, 50 sell apples, and 100 are in denver,
and 15 of those in Denver sell apples.

If it does matter, should I put the criteria that is likely to return
the smallest result set first?

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