Ed Clark wrote:

>So, 2 questions: first, are you seeing the ENQ (and is there any associated
data with the ENQ?);
I'm seeing the ENQ fine. Unfortunately, I need to work with Squirrel support
to help debug this, but they report that they're seeing my ACK embedded in
other data, things like CR LF, etc, but the data is not consistent. They
look only at the first character and if its not an ACK, they ignore it. Once
I changed to use DELAY, Squirrel recognized the ACK on the first try.

> second, what is the baud rate/parity of the systech, and where are you
setting it? If you are getting the ENQ and sending an ACK that's
unrecognized, maybe you've got the wrong parity.
It seems that the baud and parity are all fine since I can see the data
correctly at both ends, it just isn't matching the protocol, and as I said
above the data I'm sending is getting mixed up with other stuff. And the
DELAY parameter on the LINE.ATT helps sort things out, at least for the
first SEND.

>Finally, it sounds like your POS is using tcp to talk to the systech, and
then you're using serial for the systech to talk to unidata. Would it be
possible to use tcp sockets and go directly from the POS to unidata without
the impediment of a serial link?
I've explored that option with Squirrel (the POS brand), and unfortunately
it's a no go. I can't understand why not in this day and age, but I'm
playing with their toys.

Thanks for the follow-up questions.

Dana Baron
System Manager
Smugglers' Notch Resort
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