> Is it getting to the point where every change to the system requires a
> call to a lawyer to check to see if it is ok?

Yes ! or atleast it seems that way here.

We've gone from complete freedom to no changes without the appropriate
documentation and approval overnight.
All changes must be user requested. Even if I know there is a bug, I can't
just go quick fix it. I have to actually go out to a user and ask them to
request it to their boss who makes the entry in PRC. The helpdesk elevates
it to IT/Development director, then it can be fixed. In turn if it's a major
issue where the AR is getting botched up daily, it could take a while to get
to it, in turn making the problem worse. Then prove that the changes were
made and approved before making it into production. On top of it all
auditing every other month to make sure this protocal is followed to the
And it's just starting here. It all comes down to placing the blame and
covering each ones bum from a law suit.
The whole process stinks, but is for our own good in the long run.
Especially in the world where people will cook the books and point there
finger at you.
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