Nick Cipollina wrote:

The '<' is the input redirection character and the &1 is the first
parameter passed into the shell script.  It looks like this is trying
to pass the first parameter passed into the shell script into the slp
-c132 -i0 -n command.

No that's $1, but this script has &1 meaning file descriptor 1 ( standard output )
should be used as a duplicate input. I've never used this but i suspect it's
just a way to kill any output from slp if any so it doesn't appear in the printout.

cat -     just  forwards standard input  to standard output.

-- mats

On Mon, 21 Mar 2005 14:42:36 -0500, Brutzman, Bill

When printing to our legacy Printronix P300 printer on our HP-Ux box, the
UniVerse spooler config is...

Printer Name  :  PR0
Unix PathName :  /dev/c1t0d0_lp             apparently direct to the
Driver        :  /var/spool/uv/PR0.drvr     containing...

    slp -c132 -i0 -n <&1
    cat -

    [slp]     set print options for a non-serial printer...ugh
    [-c132]   132 columns
    [-i0]     indent zero
    [-n]      set page size to infinity

I need help understanding what the "<&1" does and how it all works with "cat

That way, perhaps we could get the printer to work as a shared network

Suggestions would be appreciated.

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