-----Original Message-----
From: U2 Users Group, International [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, 25 March 2005 5:10 AM
Subject: Community :: U2canXML :: Any examples of a valid extraction file?

Forums U2 Users Group, International
Community :: U2canXML ::.. Any examples of a valid extraction file?

sfulkerson wrote at Mar 24, 2005 - 01:09 PM
I've been trying to get UV10.0 to read XML files, but having no luck. IBM's
docs and code examples are useless. Can anyone who as succeeded in getting
PrepareXML to work please post an example?

Does anyone have some information to assist this user question below that
they could post to the U2UG u2canxml forum.

David Jordan

Here is what I've tried, based on IBM's docs:
[CODE] [/CODE]We're not ready to ugrade to 10.1, which I see has much better
XML functionality. I'm nearly to the point where I'm going to write my own

Thanks in advance,

Sean Fulkerson

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