> I noticed that they have converted a number of work/scratch files
> to dynamic whcih I would think is not such a good idea.
> Gerry

Actually, dynamic files are very good for work/scratch files if you use

I'm thinking of files that periodically get cleared, then built during
some process during the business cycle.

Figure out how much data to expect, & set the MINIMUM.MODULUS to
accommodate that much data. (The calculation is the same as for sizing
static hashed files.) That way you get the best of both worlds.
Clearing/ repopulating the file avoids  merges/splits as long as you
were right in your size estimation,  but if, for some business cycle
(e.g., your busy season, or users increase load w/o telling you) you
underestimated the size, then the dynamic file splits nicely as it is
populated instead of going into serious overflow like a static hashed
file would, and reverts back to normal when done.

 - cds 
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