-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ian Stuart
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2005 3:38 PM EDT
To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
Subject: {Virus?} Re: [U2] OpenOffice.org 1.9.100 and UniVerse JDBC


That's the point; one sometime feels completely helpless in the face of
large corporations and the disinterested, stone-walling answers one
gets. I agree whole-heartedly - I'll live with being flamed if I can
eventually frame a  meaningful question and communicate with someone who
cares enouigh about where and how their software is being used and, just
as important, how the user wants to be able to use the software.

To use OOo with UniVerse:

Make sure you have jdbc installed on your server. On our AIX box it's in
/usr/ibm/unishared/jdbc. See, we do actually like IBM products.

Your UniVerse files must have @SELECT phrases created in the DICTS and
HS.UPDATE.FILEINFO must have been run in the account, if it is not a
schema - just like for ODBC. It's best to create a new account with
pointers to the data and local copies of dictionaries that do not have
"." in the names of the fields or file names - OOo assumes certain
things about table names that are "." delimitered and strange results
are obtained in the SQL it generates when joining files. Schemas and
Tables are "automatically" accessible. At this time I'm still battling
with JDBC not interpreting dates as DATE columns. To get around this
convert dates to the form YYYYMMDD via an itype specified as INTEGER SQL
datatype. Make use of field 8 in the DICT to specify the SQL data type
eg, INTEGER, NUMERIC,11,2 CHAR,20 etc. as JDBC does not seem to 
correctly use the CONV definition. JDBC seems to be a lot less strict
than ODBC but also is'nt as clever in all respects (I think?, maybe)

Download the Windows and/or Linux/Solaris version of  OOo.1.9.100 (2.0
beta) - this version incorporates three changes specifically requested
for UniVerse including not aliasing table names in queries  to the same
name, which may seem redundant but is a common implementation for other
database SQL query tools -(do you think M$ would respond to a request
from one lone voice in the wilderness and change MSQuery or Access to do
something like this)

Click on this link
http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=15113 and look for 
and download the attachment called Universe settings.bas - this is a
macro you will need to modify slightly, install and run once later for
each datasource you will be creating.

Make sure you have a JRE installed - the latest possible version Install
OOo on your system - on a P4 2.4Ghz on windows this takes less than 15
minutes and does not require a reboot.
Install UniVerse client software (objects JDBC etc) Fire up OOo - any
application, spreadsheet, word etc ( or right-clock on OOo image on
taskbar and select Database  if on windows or run sbase.exe) Click
File\New\Database Check "connect to existing database" and select JDBC
and click Next In the Data Source Url field enter
"ibm-u2://HostNameOrIPAddress/PathNameORAccountNameORSchemaName". In the
JDBC driver class field enter "com.ibm.u2.jdbc.UniJDBCDriver". Click
Test Class - you should get a dialog confirming it was able to load the
class Click Next and specify a user name and check the password required
check box Click Test Connection - if it works, great you have
successfully connected to UniVerse via JDBC - if not check out the
account name and/or path Click Next Check Register database Check Open
database for editing - do this only if you really want to use JDBC to
create new tables.

Now for the tricky bit:
Depending on what windows platform you are on, you will need to copy the
.odb file to an accessible path - I could'nt get OOo to work with a
pathname with spaces, maybe somone can help out here.  The .odb file is
a compressed xml file,  database document.  If your datasource was
created as MYDATABASE then a file called MYDATABASE.odb will be in
Documents and Settings\User\My Documents.  On Linux copy this to your
home directory.

If OOo is up, click on Tools\Macros\Organise\OpenOffiice.org Basic
Create a new Module under My Macros (I called mine UV - how original)
Copy in the source code from the Universe settings.bas you downloaded
earlier and make the following changes to the macro (Oh, what the hell,
here is the source code for the macro)

REM  *****  BASIC  *****

Sub Main
    oDBC = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext" )
    oDB = oDBC.getByName( "file:///C:/arjdbc.odb" ) 

    Dim nFilterMode as Integer
    nFilterMode = 0
    AddDataSourceSetting( oDB, "TableTypeFilterMode", nFilterMode )

    Dim bBeRespectful As Boolean
    bBeRespectful = TRUE
    AddDataSourceSetting( oDB, "RespectDriverResultSetType",
bBeRespectful )

End Sub

Function AddDataSourceSetting( oDB as Object, sSettingsName as String,
aSettingsValue as Variant ) as Variant
    ' append the new setting
    Dim aInfo as Variant
    aInfo = oDB.Info

    aInfo = AddInfo( aInfo, sSettingsName, aSettingsValue )

    oDB.Info = aInfo
End Function

Function AddInfo( aOldInfo() as new
com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue,sSettingsName as String, aSettingsValue
as Variant ) as Variant
    Dim nLower as Integer
    Dim nUpper as Integer
    nLower = LBound( aOldInfo() )
    nUpper = UBound( aOldInfo() )

    ' look if the setting is already present
    Dim bNeedAdd as Boolean
    bNeedAdd = TRUE

    Dim i As Integer
    For i = nLower To nUpper
        If ( aOldInfo( i ).Name = sSettingsName ) Then
            aOldInfo( i ).Value = aSettingsValue
            bNeedAdd = FALSE
        End If
    Next i

    ' allocate the new array
    Dim nNewSize as Integer
    nNewSize = ( nUpper - nLower )
    If bNeedAdd Then nNewSize = nNewSize + 1
    Dim aNewInfo( nNewSize ) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue

    ' copy the elements (a simply copy does not work in Basic)
    For i = nLower To nUpper
        aNewInfo( i ) = aOldInfo( i )
    Next i

    ' append the new setting, if necessary
    If ( bNeedAdd ) Then
        aNewInfo( nUpper + 1 ).Name = sSettingsName
        aNewInfo( nUpper + 1 ).Value = aSettingsValue
    End If

    AddInfo = aNewInfo()
End Function

In the macro change the line that reads oDB = oDBC.getByName(
"file:///C:/arjdbc.odb" )  to reference the path to your .odb file Save
the macro and run it.  If it fails check the path to the file.
Copy the .odb file back to it's orignal location.
Open the .odb file (double click it or access it via the OOo menus) and
you should be able see your tables.  If you can't see the tables then
the macro probably did'nt run.

Feel free to email me directly although I will be away from tomorrow
until the 19th. May, or if you are in South Africa you can phone me. 
I'll send you my number via email..

Unfortunately the current OOo ODBC does not work with UniVerse  although

the earlier StarOffice 5.2 does as well as earlier versions of OOo.   To

be honest,  ODBC actually worked better than the current JDBC, but with
a bit of massaging of dicts wonders can be achieved.

Join OpenOffice.org and free yourself and your company from enslavement
to that other monopoly.

Ian Stuart

Wendy Smoak wrote:

>Ian Stuart wrote:
>>Compare this to OOo response:  After being elated about the success of

>>the JDBC patch in OOo I found a problem updating tables 
>>JDBC, so I posted an issue.  Not 1 hour later I get a meaningful 
>>response along these lines:
>This isn't anything specific to OpenOffice, it happens daily in dozens 
>of open source projects.  And it completely spoils you for
>software support. ;)
>I'm now used to being able to talk to the developers of whatever it is 
>I'm using, have learned to ask good questions, and I expect to be taken

>seriously.  Contrast that with having to fight your way through 
>first-level phone support in order to get to someone who *might* know 
>the answer when you have a problem with commercial software.
>I haven't used the JDBC driver, but I have had issues with UniObjects 
>for Java that were only solved by begging for help here on the list, 
>not through official support channels.
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