
We have had a puzzling situation where a particular subprogram works
differently when run from a test-harness from TCL, to when it is run as
an I-Type subroutine.

The sub-routine concerned is about three layers deep in the execution

Test-Harness does CALL A(<parameters>), A does CALL
I-Type says SUBR("X",<parameters>), and X does CALL A(<parameters>), A
does CALL PROBLEM(<parameters>)

When you LIST <file name> <I-Type name> the I-Type returns 'wrong'

The programmer concerned eventually worked out that the problem was
that, from the I-Type, a "PERFORM 'SELECT <filename>  <with-condition>'
" ALWAYS returned no records, whereas the same select works correctly
from the test harness.  No, the were no select lists active at the time!

The solution was to change the "PERFORM 'SELECT <filename>
<with-condition>' " to a Basic "SELECT <filename>" and weed out the
unwanted records in an internal loop.

It may well be that it has always been this way, the I-Type is new.
UV 10.0, INformation flavour, Windows 2K3

Ideas, anyone?


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