In a message dated 6/4/2005 3:31:58 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> If I compile on 2 different machines and 2 different OS ex. HP-UX and AIX 
> but on the same Universe versions the same source code (any basic code) did 
> they work the same ?  Maybe there are some system specific basic funcions 
> which 
> working different on different OS's.

I doubt they would work the same.
HP-UX and AIX are different and therefore certain references to the 
underlying kernal functions will act differntly as well.
   Someone already mentioned the issue of TIME() which also impacts things 
like SLEEP and RQM and NAP.
   I'd also wonder about port-specific usage.  I believe I worked on a Unix 
box a while back where they mapped the ports so that every time a person logged 
in they got the same port number.  Don't ask me exactly how they did this.   
However another box I worked on, I was told they could not do this.  So either 
it was Unix's fault, or the people weren't as savvy but either way, it did 
impact programs that relied on the ability to be port-specific.
   I'd also just do a quick test of the math functions.  I'm not sure every 
system does the trigonometric, and extended math functions the same way.  Early 
on I ran into an issue where an old box gave the same result for two very 
close but not idential numbers when you did a tangent on them.  I had to roll 
own 'fix' for that.

Just a few notes.
Will Johnson
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