I wrote the application about 15 years ago when we were then VMark
Software.  I believe that would make it an internal IBM tool.  I have
several other performance measuring tools that I use at customer sites when
analyzing system, application, and other performance issues.

The set of tests are likely not complete, but I have several hundred tests
covering various aspects of the run machine, as well as file based
operations, overflow, oversize I/O, messaging, sockets, and the like.  I
also add tests to answer specific questions that come up during customer
sites when chasing anomalies in applications.

One of these days I will get around to compiling my customer travesl into a
performance tuning book!  Alas, it keeps finding its way to back burners.
Sigh.  Much of the material in the UniVerse Theory and Practice course came
from my publications and internal documents.  One advantage of the many
nights in hotels around the U.S. and occasionally the world, is I have the
free time to do work on these things, when not fatigued from doing it all
day at a customer site.  One of the more interesting evening projects
produced a set of programs using transaction logs for maintaining a backup
server as either a fail over machine or as a report server to offload that
kind of work from an OLTP production server.  I believe a previous poster
some months back, had mentioned doing something like that as well.

> From: "Stevenson, Charles" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Mark,
> What are these timing tests?
> They kinda look like the tool PI has.  I can almost remember the name of
> it now, but it was so long ago.
> Is this a tool we users can run or is this something internal at IBM?
> If internal, do you have a complete set of comparative speeds for the
> various operations & functions available in UV-Basic?

Mark A. Baldridge
Principal Consultant
North American Lab Services
DB2 Information Management, IBM Software Group
(607) 351-5666
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