Dear Peter,

Since you are working in an environment with Linux and Irix based servers,
you should be able to create a print to file queue serviced by an LPD daemon
on a *nix based machine in your network. You could then print the same
sample form from the old Irix environment and the new RH environment to this
destination instead of the actual printer.

After you have the two sample *.prn files, representing the particular form
generated in one of the two different environments, you can see what is
different between the two files.

If you are missing some formatting information at the beginning of the file
from the new environment, you can then check the part of the program
responsible for generating the missing information to see whether it might
be suffering some form of processing issue in the new environment or whether
the environment itself is most likely causing the difficulty.

As the lp concept of printing is to temporarily capture a file (frequently
to the hard drive) as it is generated by an application, and then send it to
a defined destination once the file is completely created, it is possible
for system issues (such as number of open files) to impede the proper
creation of the file to be printed.


Best Regards,


>Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2005 12:08:53 -0400
>From: "George Gallen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: [U2] Again with Setting a Network Printer in Linux
>When we switched from Digital Unix to Redhat & (UV 8.3 -> UV 10)
>we had a printer problem where the top of a print job was lost.
>Our fix was to change the number of open files allowed on the system
>somehow, there were too many files open, and it messed up our print jobs,
>it was extremely inconsistant,and would change in where it cut off the
>print job.
>However, our problem existed with the &HOLD& file, and was not printer
>>-----Original Message-----
>>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Peter Ivanick
>>Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2005 11:44 AM
>>Subject: Re: [U2] Again with Setting a Network Printer in Linux
>>Well, it's doing a bit more than that, it's drawing a few
>>boxes as well,
>>we had but fixed that stairstepping issue on other printers.
>>No script,
>>straight out through lp.
>>Many, many thanks for your help.
>>Jerry Banker wrote:
>>> The print only at the top of the page sounds like the
>>printer is not getting
>>> or not interpreting a carriage return at the end of the
>>line. We had the
>>> same problem on our Sun system with HP printers. Are you sending the
>>> printout through a script before going to the device?
>>> Jerry
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Peter Ivanick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> To: <>
>>> Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2005 6:26 PM
>>> Subject: [U2] Again with Setting a Network Printer in Linux
>>> Hola all -
>>> So, I've tried the various options outlined here & in other related
>>> email, but our setup is failing consistently.
>>> What happens is this: I can setup a printer, B009A for
>>example, in CUPS
>>> or as an lp printer, doesn't seem to matter. Linux (RH 3.5)
>>printing is
>>> fine, test are all ok & lp from the bash line are good as
>>well, output
>>> is dandy. When printed from the TCL prompt like this:
>>> SP-ASSIGN F24 (and the printer B009A has form 24 loaded up)
>>> I get good output. But when I try to print from within local PICK
>>> programs, which work fine on our
>>> hopefully-soon-to-be-replaced-if-I-can-fix-this-issue Irix system,
>>> nothing, they disappear entirely. My spooler log shows:
>>> P Print PR24 2 528 UniVerse 24 06/07/2005 18:49:51
>>> lpstat is clear, but no output. The only exception to this is when I
>>> have the printer setup as a RAW printer, in which case I do
>>get output
>>> but it is incomplete -- a few boxes are drawn & a small
>>amount of text
>>> is output at the top of the page.
>>> My programmer assures me he's doing nothing odd with the
>>printing, and I
>>> believe him (can post some code here if that will help, I
>>need to find
>>> the explicit printing code first) but damned if I can think
>>of anything
>>> else going on. Again, all jobs are properly logged in my spooler log
>>> files but no output.
>>> ANY hints/thoughts/ideas greatly appreciated.
>>> Peter
>>> Stu Glancy wrote:
>>>>You need to setup &DEVICE& by edit or uv admin.  UV admin is best
>>>>because you will need to reread the spooler configuration
>>files and you
>>>>are prompted for this.  On my Linux the TCl command is "MOTIF
>>>>SYSTEM.ADMIN" or SYSTEM.ADMIN  in the "uv" account.
>>>>Marc Hilbert wrote:
>>>>>I have tried reading the manual. How can I set up access to
>>a network
>>>>>printer under UV 10 with Linux Redhat 9.0. From the Linux
>>shell I can
>>>>>successfully print, but from UV all I get is the following message
>>>>>every minute or so...
>>>>>"Unable to open device. Verify that the printer is on line..."
>>>>>Thanks in advance,
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