Hola all -

We've got a DTS in MS SQL Server 7 which pulls all 200k+ records out of a table from UniVerse 9.6 through the Ardent driver, weekly, to put it into a SQL Server table for easier access from some of our web apps. Works great, it's a relatively simple select of 8 fields.

Same DTS running on the same SQL server system going against 10.1.4 & the IBM UniVerse driver bails at about 40k+ records, repeatedly; if I run it through MSquery I get an error that it can't allocate enough memory, too many rows, but hell, the Ardent driver handles it fine, can the IBM driver really have gone backwards here? I know the opinion of the ODBC option here generally isn't very good, and we're looking at/probably going to have to write a stored procedure to page through the records 10k at a time or so, but I wanted to see if anyone else has run into this & whther there's a simple option I'm missing in transitioning to the new driver.

Many thanks for any pointers.

Peter Ivanick
Sr. Programmer/Analyst
School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
Phone: 215.573.2306    Fax: 215.573.8777
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