I was just looking at the documentation for FUNCTION after hearing a
couple of people make reference to custom functions.  How did we not
know about this?!  (Has this always been possible, or was it added

We consider subroutines fairly "expensive" in terms of system resources,
and tend to just use GOSUB within most programs.  But coming from the
Java/OO world, the global variables are *killing* me.  And I'm partial
to the nested parenthesis notation as well.

Does anyone have any best practice advice or gotchas to impart?  We have
a need to find the "Ultimate Parent" in a tree of
corporation/parent/subsidiary relationships.

In particular, I might find a case where there is more than one
"Ultimate Parent" and I need to signify an error.  Do I return -1, or
set @SYSTEM.RETURN.CODE to a positive number?  

Wendy Smoak
Applications Systems Analyst, Sr.
Arizona State University, PA, IRM 
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