My only issue with using UUID's is the fact that they weren't DESIGNED
for time sequencing, and you could run foul of the implementation.

I just ran a quick test, fired off 4 phantoms and another screen based
process to get 5,000 sequential ID's - they all finished in under a
second, so 25,000+tps seems AOK ... if the item IS in contention, it
will be in cache, so in practice I don't think this should be an issue.

Phil was originally concerned about this being a bottleneck - my
(limited) testing leads me to believe this will not be the case .... the
god news is that he now has multiple alternatives to trial.

Ross Ferris
Stamina Software
Visage - an Evolution in Software Development

>-----Original Message-----
>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:owner-u2-
>Sent: Thursday, 30 June 2005 12:15 PM
>Subject: RE: [U2] - Determining time sequence
>Ross, I'm not derogating the use of sequential IDs but IIRC, the bloke
>a reason not to use a sequential id counter and wanted an alternative.
>The uuid spec states that uuid should cater for time adjustments on the
>local clock, hence, shouldn't be "vulnerable" (Of course, in the real
>world, that depends on how the spec has been implimented). The uuid can
>sequentialised and can gauranteed to be unique to a high degree of
>certainty in time and space. There are no locking or contention issues
>when a uuid is generated opposed to a heavily used key generator.
>I stand by my assertion that a uuid is a viable and justifiable
>in the original posters problem space. ;-)
>Cheers, Stuart
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: -----
>>This would still make things "vulnerable" whenever date/time changed
>>the generating machine .... the "beauty" of the sequential ID is that
>>fact that nit WILL be in "real time" order, regardless of what people
>>with dae & time of the machine
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