One client has an A/R file with such a large array (235,000 attributes). upon
READing the XREF and using DCOUNT, I put a 50,000 fork in the road. If less
than 50,000, the regular application uses the XREF<X> sans REMOVE. If over
50,000, then it was easier to SELECT the file independent of the XREF.

For the sake of this argument, I'll try REMOVE on this D3 client and get back
in a week.


  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Bob Williams
  Sent: Friday, July 15, 2005 1:07 PM
  Subject: Comments from Users Digest

  I saw what appeared to be an e-mail from you in the User's Digest concerning
the REMOVE command. As I didn't read the entire message, what I am going to
pass on may have already been discussed 100 times, or you may be very familiar
with it already. If you are working with a large dynamic array of a thousand
or more elements, in order to get to element 1000, the software will need to
skip over 999 elements while looking for the 1000th element. Often times the
programmer is processing the elements sequentially, and this is where the
REMOVE comes in handy. This statement keeps a pointer into the dynamic array,
so that if you just removed element 999 and then want to remove 1000, it knows
exactly where that element is, without the need to chin through the first 999
elements to find it. The results are significant. When I previously worked for
a software house, we had an application that was taking hours to process, and
the customer was becoming more and more dissatisfied with how long it was
taking. I happened to be talking to the lady who was working the problem, and
she described what the application was doing - processing a very large dynamic
array from beginning to end. The net of it was that when I had her use the
REMOVE statement to pull the items out of the dynamic array, processing time
went from well over an hour to about a minute. This was with no other changes
to the application. I had made the changes myself, and when it ran so fast, we
both assumed that I had somehow screwed it up! My guess is that if you never
see dynamic arrays with more than a hundred or so elements, the REMOVE
statement won't really buy you anything, but in this case, the dynamic array
had about 30,000 elements in it, as I recall, and for this it was a real

  It's a good statement if you can use it, and if all of this is old
information, please pardon the interruption - from one old duffer to another.
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