Hi All,
I have some records which are locked. The Item ID is same. Can I get the
database filename to which the records belong?
I am using Universe at unix platform.
The output of LIST.READU is given below:


Active Record Locks:

Device.... Inode....  Netnode Userno  Lmode   Pid Login Id
  34485434      9968        0  55990   9 RU  9546 appsadm  GGB1010300001
  34485434      9964        0  37921  12 RU 27615 appsadm  CCB1011300764
  34485433    478438        0  60553  17 RU  4983 appsadm  HHB1010300083
  34485433    478423        0  36137  31 RU 29399 appsadm  GGB1010300001
  34485434      9969        0  52754  63 RU 12782 appsadm  FFB1010300015
  34485434      9991        0  53543 102 RU 11993 appsadm  GGB1010300001
  34485434      9964        0  50360 107 RU 15176 appsadm  GGB1010300001
  34485434     10391        0  47313 121 RU 18223 appsadm  GGB1010300001


Pankaj Gupta

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