Bill (and Will),

As I stated I have done the directory copy many times with great success.
It is not that difficult, but you have to be CAREFUL.  See my earlier
posts for some caveats to the process.  As to the size of the files, Will
has a point, but disk space is cheap.  Also, if you are testing code
having a full copy of the production data will allow you to better test
your changes without having to recreate lots of master file data.

At unix the process to copy an account located at /software/production to
a sandbox account would be something like:

Cp -R /software/production /software/sandbox

You would then create a new UV account and point it at this new directory.
I will repeat three major items to look out for in this process.

1) files with indexes as the index pointer is in the file header

2) Q-pointers and remote file pointers (F pointers with full paths to the
file) as they will like still be pointing at the live account

3) Globally cataloged programs.  If your 'sandbox' account is on the same
box as the production account you should NEVER globally catalog from
within your sandbox area.  This will make your changes active everywhere
which is probably not what you intended. 
>    I think you might even be able to just copy the whole directory, but
> I've
> never actually done it that way myself.  In general, for a test account
> you
> don't really need files with a modulo of a hundred thousand and its
> pointless to
> create them and then have to DELETE-FILE and CREATE-FILE fifty times ...
> in
> my opinion.
>    Creating a sandbox account isn't real easy.  You should have saved
> headaches and just hired me ;)
> Will Johnson
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