Hi Allen -

I'm having problems with CFMX7 and UV/ODBC also and
not having much luck.  (UVpe 10.1)

*Very* well known issue, unfortunately, no workarounds that I'm aware of, see the ff. thread @ the CF forums:


Upshot is, no one seems to be able to get it to work. Very disappointing, and I don't know who to blame, but Macromedia seems the likeliest culprit.

I was able to work around the issue by using UVSH to
go directly into UV from the <cfexecute> tag.  It
works really well but then you are no longer using
ODBC/SQL and is highly proprietary.  One of the best
things about it, is that it releases your UV login
once the query finishes and returns to CF.  I was very
surprised at just how fast this was but did not like
the non-standard approach.  Don't know how it would
work on a large scale application however.  My guess
is very fast and very flexible.

Interesting, are they running off the same machine, presumably?

Another possible solution is to use FusionWare's
eTools ODBC driver.  I think this is the old
Liberty/ODBC driver and server.  I really like the
product when I used it, but am looking for the NO cost
solution at least while prototyping.

We're not running the UV system on Windows, unfortunately, but these do look interesting. Ultimately, we're going to go the web services route so an additional investment likely not likely for us.

If you could share your CF connectivity parameters for
UV/JDBC, I would appreciate it.  I've not played with
that yet.  (Just another tasty ingredient in the

Yup, this was a hard one for me to get, I was following some bad advice posted in the cf forums, here's what works for me in the datasource setup:

CF Data Source Name     uvjdbcvhup
JDBC URL    jdbc:ibm-u2://
Driver Class    com.ibm.u2.jdbc.UniJDBCDriver
Driver Name    UniJDBCDriver
User Name    (valid user)
Password        (valid user password)

where HS.SERVICE is the name of the UV account that the user logs into, in our case, HS.SERVICE

The other thing is to make sure that your classpath in the CF Java VM settins poitns to the two IBVM deliverd files, unijdbc.jar & asjava.zip ; in my case the classpath looks like:


The webservices idea is a great way to go, but
requires significant development.  Once I get this
site up and running, webservices will be next.

Us too, after JDBC.  Good luck all around Allen!

Peter Ivanick
Sr. Programmer/Analyst
School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
Phone: 215.573.2306    Fax: 215.573.8777
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