When you need to recover the BASIC source code for PI/open or UniVerse
systems, your ultimate source is found at www.srs4uv.com. The srs4uv team
has helped companies, government agencies and learning institutions around
the globe with their source recoveries for over 22 years. Many srs4uv
customers tried IBM's PI/open decompiler beforehand and seem amazed at how
easy the recovered programs are to read and maintain.

While the PI/open decompiler provided by IBM was a technically accurate
utility, the maintainability of their recovered source code leaves much to
be desired. IBM's decompiler failed to perform logical structure recovery,
the most important quality, as this impacts the long-term maintainability of
the programs. (There are other deficiencies with IBM's decompiler, such as,
maintainable common member naming, reversing equated variable expressions,
and recovering programs with certain internal-use statements. Please contact
me directly for additional information on these PI/open recovery issues.)

The logical structure for LOOP-REPEAT, FOR-NEXT and CASE statements, like
IF-THEN-ELSE statements, are translated by a BASIC compiler into conditional
and unconditional branch instructions. IBM's PI/open decompiler took the
lazy-mans approach to decompiling, returning conditional branches as IF-THEN
statements and unconditional branches as GOTO statements. As you might
imagine, IBM's results look like a pile of spaghetti code. The srs4uv
decompilers analyze the branch patterns to recover all of the high-level
logical structures, making the recovered source code look as good, if not
better, than the original source code.

Best regards,
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