Thanks anthony.

All the digis are acting up - they are chained together. It does seem like the
problem started around the time SP1 was installed, but they may very well have
installed some other gear around the same time that they haven't mentioned to me

I'll look into that - possible conflicts with IP addresses.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Anthony Dzikiewicz
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2005 2:55 PM
Subject: RE: [U2] Off-topic? Problems with DigiPortServer -> Win2003 server SP1
-> Universe

How many digis do you have ?  Is it all of them that are acting up ?  If you
only have one, then the possibility of a bad digi is not out of the question.
Is something attached to the network recently that has the same ip as the digi ?
Unplug the digi and then ping it by ip.  

I have always found digi support to be pretty decent.  Is SP1 the last 'thing'
that was installed on the server ?  If so, maybe there is a compatibility issue.
I would undo it (if that's possible and if you don't really need it for anything

If the digi is bad, you can find them on ebay now for very cheap.  

It really doesn't sound like a Universe problem.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Joe Walter
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2005 1:07 PM
Subject: [U2] Off-topic? Problems with DigiPortServer -> Win2003 server
SP1 -> Universe

We are baffled by a problem that just came up at a customer site. They are
running Universe on Win2003 server with SP1. Have had DigiPortServer's in place
there seems like forever. The digi's where attached to an NT4 server which we
decomissioned and went to new server running Win2003. Everything was just fine
with all the dumb terminals for the first six or more months after migrating to
Win2003 server with Universe 10.something.

Now, 'ports', dumb terminals attached to digi seem to 'hang' at random - screen
freezes - any keystrokes have no effect - Ctrl-Q doesn't free them up (flow
control is xon/xoff). But, you can send a message to any of these hung serial
ports via Universe MESSAGE command and it will appear on the hung terminal.

Anyone have any ideas about how to troubleshoot this problem?

universe support said it isn't a universe problem

digi support has been not much help. they suggested removing sp1 from the
win2003 server, although they have no other reported problems with
win2003 sp1 and their gear.

Any ideas?

Clueless in Cleveland.

Joe Walter
Fax/Voice mail: 1.435.514.5132

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