We too used RCS for some time later moving to Microsoft Source Safe (our
developers work on Windows).
We don't have anything special made for it - we simply have Work directory
set to a developer's account. It is easier for us as we have a in-house
developed editor for uniBasic that understands read-only attribute on files
and we keep our dictionary description in XML files (i.e. the actual
dictionary is automatically created when the XML file is changed in our
source editor).

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Brian Leach" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org>
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2005 10:36 AM
Subject: RE: [U2] Source Code Management

> Karen
> I originally used to use RCS under UniVerse with some simple verbs that
> committed items in and out of a work directory using an index file to map
> account|file|item paths to work file keys. This meant that I could easily
> manage items from hashed files (eg dictionaries) using some simple RCSPUT,
> RCSGET, RCSLOG type verbs. It was simple and worked pretty well, and I
> should have the source code somewhere waiting to dig out and clean up when
> get a chance.
> Later on we went to CVS, using commit/extract scripts under UNIX and
> TortoiseCVS with Windows. The reason was that we needed to integrate
> control from a wider set of locations: UniVerse code for the server
> as well as all the client stuff (VB, Delphi, resources, web pages etc).
> Keeping these in step was a major exercise, especially since we had a lot
> shared libraries and common modules between projects.
> One simple thing that helped us hugely, was writing some simple commands
> that generated all of the dictionaries, INI file entries, data items etc
> that we needed on the server side from scripts. This meant that the
> were part of the 'source code', held in type 19 files and CVS'ed with the
> rest of the source. We also added scripting (two way generation) to our
> windows development environment, for the same reason.
> One thing to be aware of. Changing revision control strategies at a later
> date is a major pain. I know this may sound obvious, but think ahead to
> you will need to control in order to ensure that you have every base
> covered. If you are only doing server based work, that is all you need to
> scope: but if you are adding other interfaces, make sure sure your
> will work with those as well!
> Also (sorry if this sounds heavy): revision control is not something to
> approach lightly. It takes planning and resource. We learned (the hard
> to include it in project plans, and to make it a specific routine task for
> systems administration. A poorly or partially implemented revision control
> doesn't help anyone, so make sure you get the buy-in and budget for it:
> tools like RCS, CVS etc. may be free but there is an ongoing cost in
> managing any solution. I haven't used the highly-regarded and oft-quoted
> so I don't know if it works with multiple environments, but a commercial
> system may be a cost saving in the end.
> Managing a good revision control strategy is a headache for someone and an
> overhead for everyone: but however much management it takes, it is still a
> lot less than the time and expense of trying to reconstruct a revision
> you haven't got everything in place. It only takes one disaster...
> Brian "Burned and Learned"
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