
Can we start from the top:

1. Is this a local printer or a share e.g. \\machine\printer ?
2. If remote, is it installed under Windows? If so, does your UniVerse user
have privilege to access it?
3. Does the printer show up if you do a SPOOL -LIST ? Is there an error code
reported when you do?
4. If local, can you set the printer to FILE (printer->Properties->Ports)
and see any output?
5. Are the printer drivers locally installed?
6. If remote, try setting up the printer as a local printer (on
\\machine\share) an try using the generic/text only driver.


> Folks,
> I've been struggling to set up a printer. After much tweaking 
> and twiddling, I finally can actually see the printer in 
> U2ADMIN, but still can't seem to get anything to print to it.
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