Hello group,
   If  anyone  has  moved  their U2-based solution from Linux to Windows,
   please  contact  me  directly.  I  have  a partner that is asking this
   question  and would like to know if was difficult or not to do so, and
   whether or not you were successful. I will not be sharing names.

   LeRoy F. Dreyfuss
   Product Manager
   IBM UniVerse and UniData (U2) Extended Relational Databases
   [cid:_2_113C9694113C94400067EB67872570B7]     Information   Management

   Tel: 303-773-7783          Fax: 303-773-5915
   Mobile: 720-341-4317   Tie-line: 656-7783
   External email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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