Norman, David (SAAS) wrote:
I know I'm probably going over old ground again, but what's the present
state of play for UniVerse on HP-UX connecting to SQL Server on w2000/2003
to update tables ?
Do I need middleware ? If so, what is recommended ?
UV10.0.16 HP-UX 11

As mentioned, you'll need ODBC middleware. The major ODBC middleware providers are OpenLink (that's what we use), EasySoft, and DataDirect. Any of these should work fine from HP-UX to SQL Server. I'd suggest doing a free trial with all three and see which one you like best from a performance and ease of use perspective. Once you have ODBC middleware installed, you can use UniVerse's BCI interface to update SQL Server tables directly from basic programs.

John Hester
System & Network Administrator
Momentum Group Inc.
(949) 833-8886 x623
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