
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David Tod
> Sent: Wednesday, 23 November 2005 16:06
> To: Daniel Perttula
> Subject: Re: [U2] sql server & universe
> Daniel,
> SQL is pretty insistent on data being what it is defined as 
> (a feature for some .. a drawback for others)
> Your best bet is to make your dictionaries match the data.  
> Not sure I would actually make the fields lenght 999 but 
> instead write a routine to examine the data and let you know 
> the best size to make it.  

Doesn't HS.SCRUB do this for you?  Then you can describe the data
correctly in Attribute 10.


Leave that attribute blank [except for fields which need correct
description like DATE, or DECIMAL 12,2] and describe everything else on
the SQL side as VARCHAR(255)



> If 13 char is the longest(in this case) then smudge to 14 if you 
> think the data will change to that.
> Tuesday, November 22, 2005, 3:40:56 PM, you wrote:
> DP> Hello all - quick question for the SQL gurus out there, we have a 
> DP> customer using SQL Server 2000 making queries to a UV 10.1.11 
> DP> server. We've noted that SQL Server errors out if the data in any 
> DP> field matches or exceeds the field length specified in the field 
> DP> dictionary. For example if we have a
> DP> dictionary:
> DP> <1> A
> DP> <2> 100
> DP> <4>
> DP> <5>
> DP> <6>
> DP> <7> MD2
> DP> <8>
> DP> <9> R
> DP> <10> 12
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