Starting at release 10.1.15, the problem with "uvlictool" hanging UniVerse
when issuing to a "pipe" will be fixed (ECase 7640*USA).

When hung on the "Port status" semaphore, the "State" column would show = 1
as follow :
   Port status     State  Netnode Owner Collisions Retries
   Semaphore #   1     1        0     0          1      13
(I've seen this only once in 10 years supporting UniVerse...)

The "Collisions" and "Retries" columns are mentionning occurences of
conflicts in concurrent access toward this semaphore. Since this semaphore
is used only for internal purposes by the "PORT.STATUS" command, in
operating normally, such conflicts on the "Port status" semaphore would not
occur because the "PORT.STATUS" command is a Database Administrator command
that can be accessed only from the UniVerse Administration account
(installation account). What would you think of a Database administered
simultaneously by several concurrent "Database Administrators" ?

It's worth knowing that, in its internal mechanism, the "PORT.STATUS"
command queries by a signal "SIG_USR2" all the database sessions to put in
their "Printer Shared Memory" segment their most recent "Last command
processed". Then, for every database session, "PORT.STATUS" attaches to
each "Disk Shared Memory" segment, passes the information to a memory
buffer in the "Disk Shared Memory" segment, detach from the "Disk Shared
Memory" segment, reads this information from the central buffer and formats
the displayed output, each user one after the other.

Note that since release 9.6.x of UniVerse, the "PORT.STATUS" command may
not display ALL UniVerse interactive sessions : If, for any reason, it is
failing to attach and get the information from a given user's "Printer
Shared Memory" segment, "PORT.STATUS" just continues processing with next
session, leaving the unaccessible user's session not mentionned in its
report. The "PHANTOM" sessions are just mentionned "unavailable" when such
event occurs.


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