Wally Terhune wrote:

> If there is an ipclog (referenced in $UDTBIN/udt.errlog) that would be
> useful to help me help you tune.
> If not - at least provide udtconfig and '$UDTBIN/ipcstat -mb' output
> or - guess some udtconfig settings
> specific to your error
> SHM_GPAGESZ=2048 - don't make this any smaller than it already is

I notice that the udtconfig Kevin posted didn't contain a value for
SHM_GPAGESZ.  What is the default if the value is not set Wally?  I didn't
realise some of these things were optional!

Anyhow, Wally's suggestions make perfect sense - push the global page size
up to 1MB and allow up to 30 pages to be referenced by a process.  I suppose
I'd also think about bumping up SHM_LPAGESZ to something like 32 or 64 from
the default of 8 since a local page can also take an MI slot, and smm will
probably grow this incrementally by allocating local pages rather than throw
a whole 1M global page at it.

Kevin, I suspect that the field you are indexing either directly or
indirectly involves a virtual field (I-Type) or some output conversion, and
that is why it is taking a reasonable amount of memory to build the index.


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