Larry Hiscock wrote:

> How about just adding a phrase to each DICT called "ALL" that
> lists all of
> the D-type items?


> One time setup, then it's available for their use.

And then they have to maintain it for ever?  Or shall I put a trigger on the
dictionary of every file that updates the ALL phrase whenever a D item is
added or deleted?

Thanks Larry, but I think I preferred the BASIC front end to LIST idea



> Ken Wallis wrote:

> A site I know is moving from UniData on VMS to UniVerse on
> UNIX.  Don't ask
> why, they just decided that was the path they wanted to go
> down.  Anyhow,
> they've got used to the ability in UniData to LIST filename
> ALL and see
> everything.  They're a bit surprised that this doesn't work
> in UniVerse.
> Any ideas?
> Of course we could write them a BASIC program called LIST
> that scans the
> command for the keyword ALL and if it finds it, works out
> what ALL means in
> the context of that file before invoking the real UniVerse LIST with a
> modified command, but I'd like to exhaust other options first.
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