Bob Witney wrote:
> I am happily using sendmail to email from the aix boxes
> but
> I need to be able to email into the aix box to trigger
> automatioc process 

NebulaMail sends and receives e-mail from MV BASIC with no need for
sendmail, procmail, blat, or other tools that require installation.  We
have D3 sites running with no product-related issues (DBMS running in
Windows and on *nix) and we are updating the Unidata port to the current
release, but have not ported to Universe yet.  If we can get just a couple
sites interested we'll do the port.

NebulaMail is $250 per server, with volume discounts for VARs who implement
to multiple sites.

Tony Gravagno
Nebula Research and Development
TG@ removethisNebula-RnD .com
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