In response to a query regarding Dynamic Connect 5.2 in October 2003   
IBM replied that " Dynamic Connect (DC) was added to the U2 product 
suite to provide simple terminal emulation functionality equivalent to 
the UVTerm tool that had historically been available for UniVerse".

Well, one of the "simple"  things supported by UVTERM was the AREV 
screen handler which is also built into Dynamic Connect via extensions.  
Many other terminal emulations and extensions  eg  for System Builder 
not supported by UVTERM have been supplied as a part of Dynamic Connect 
with the associated scripts supplied in source form ie not compiled into 
.wix files.  As any user of Dynamic Connect will know, UVTERM is a poor 
comparison,  and to date,  Dynamic Connect has been a great replacement 
emulator giving users much needed additional functionality.  Being able 
to customise the supplied emulations has been one of the really powerful 
features and  customising the supplied scripts  has been invaluable in 
providing needed functionality.

For IBM to state that Dynamic Connect is a "simple terminal emulator" is 
to try to deflect the argument that once features have been made 
available - and documented - it's not OK  for the vendor to remove them 
without notice or warning. 

Further to this IBM stated in their reply that scripting had been 
documented in the Dynamic Connect manuals "in error".   Hard lines for 
those users and developers, like yourself Alan, who never received this 
little tidbit of information from IBM that you were at risk of not being 
able to fully utilise later versions of Dynamic Connect even though your 
documentation said you could.

Oh yes,  we  were offered Wintegrate at a "reasonable price" because of 
this "error".  This clearly indicated to me that IBM  were manouvering a 
situation where users,  who had exploited the documented feature of 
being able to script Dynamic Connect,  would at a later date be 
pressured to move to Wintegrate.

The other bit of arrogance was that as Dynamic Connect was "freely 
distibuted" IBM could take away features as they saw fit. The expression 
"The lord gives and the lord takes away" comes to mind

There are situations where UVTERM functionality can only be practiaclly 
supported through some form of scripting.  For example, the only 
practical way to support the UVTERM "pop-up" menus,  which users came to 
rely on in UVTERM,  is to write an extension to detect mouse events and 
load up a menu, supporting an image viewer is only practically supported 
via scripting, turning off CTRL-E you need to modify  vt100.wis, turning 
off the BEL etc. etc.

I do not recall though ever seeing a statement to the general U2 
community that removing features and "locking down" Dynamic Connect to 
the extent that you have experienced  was going to be IBM's stance.  
Rather than being an ommission, IBM have actually seen fit to 
deliberately spend time and money to remove a feature previously 
provided, even if not supported, and have done so in a really 
clandestine and disruptive manner with little thought as to the impact 
on the user base who provide IBM with a regular and profitable revenue 

This move could/should boost interest in AccuTerm and, if I can get 
AccuTerm to run on Linux that will be were my efforts will go

Ian Stuart

Definitive Software Pty Ltd wrote:

>I was therefore unimpressed to find that, without any advanced notification,
>the latest revision 6.0.1 has been completely locked down via the use of
>checksums to prevent users making ANY modifications to the distributed
>terminal emulation and associated scripting files.
>As always, any product supplier that decides to remove previously available
>functionality in later revisions, risks alienating existing users to move
>away from their product. For IBM to make the effort to do this to a free
>product only makes sense if they believe that such a move will 'encourage'
>existing DC users to move to and purchase an expensive copy of Wintegrate,
>when a more probable effect is to feel insulted by their actions and move to
>other much cheaper products such as Accuterm. To me, to do so without even
>notifying us of their intentions (there are not even any details on the
>6.0.1 distribution disk warning about the changes) indicates that either
>some product manager within IBM did it without fully informing their own
>management, or IBM themselves are looking to roll it out under the radar to
>avoid a backlash of user pressure to take out the changes.
>In either case, the way they have instituted the lockdown is so harsh as to
>impact many users over even the most 'trivial' of changes they may have
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