> I am migrating an old AIX server running U2 to RH Linux.  Because of the
> server's limitations, I need to transfer files between the two devices via
> FTP and then converting the files for Linux use.  After doing so, my
> distributed files are getting corrupted. It looks like the IBM provided
> fixtool utility repairs the files, but it's taking way too long for my
> larger distributed files.  Making a HUGE assumption that it's the file
> transfer responsible for the file corruption, is there a preferred method
> for copying data files?
Two possible problems. You ARE transferring them in ftp in binary mode?

And you have run the clean-up tool that corrects the byte order? (I think 
that's what Karl is talking about)

You might also find it easier to do a UVBACKUP and then restore that, because 
that (I think) gets round all the endian issues and that sort of stuff.

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