
Mike is right - a Perl script can make the conversion easy and highly automated. However, I like to use TAB-delimited output to avoid the occasional messy situation when valid data contains commas or quotes. Write the program or paragraph such that it generates a text file and then shells to the Perl program to do the conversion.

ActiveState's Perl for Windows does have the "Spreadsheet::WriteExcel" and "Text::CSV" modules available.

Let me know if you want some samples to hack.


At 01:02 PM 1/13/2006, Michael Doyle wrote:

On UNIX, use Perl. Specifically, use the Spreadsheet::WriteExcel and
Text::CSV modules. My script is only about 47 lines long.

The Spreadsheet::WriteExcel module was utter garbage a few years ago,
but thanks to the efforts of and the obvious benefits of
open source software, the module has improved by leaps and bounds.

On Windows, I can only presume that Visual Basic can generate Excel

Mike Doyle
Unix Developer / Administrator
AMO Recoveries

On Fri, 2006-01-13 at 14:45 -0500, George Gallen wrote:
> Our UV system creates an ASCII .csv file for another
>   system to import on a daily basis. The 3rd party software
>   after a recent upgrade now only imports .xls files.
> Is there an easy way to "automate" Excel to load the .csv,
>   then save as .xls?
> Or how much more difficult is it to create the .xls instead of
>    a .csv?
> I thought about getting one of those programs that records
> mouse clicks, and create a macro of the conversion (since the
> filename is the same each day), but wonder if there was
> something we could do in a batch file and run every day under
> the Windows scheduler.
> George
> George Gallen
> Senior Programmer/Analyst
> Accounting/Data Division
> ph:856.848.1000 Ext 220
> SLACK Incorporated - Delivering the best in health care information and
> education worldwide.
> -------

Kent Walker - Datatel Analyst
Information Technology - U.C. Hastings College of the Law
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