> Hi,
> Please do not flame me, but I cannot get over how one eyed some people
> on this list are. Being a U2 bigot is no better than being a Microsoft,
> Linux or Oracle one.
> When will people get over Microsoft? They exist, they are one of the
> biggest software companies in the world like it or not and the U2 world
> needs to get along with them like it or not. Just try making money out
> of plain green screen applications and not talking to other programs or
> interfaces, and tell us in 20 years how rich you got....not.
I know you said "don't flame me", but ...

You said "we need to get along with Microsoft". The problem is, Microsoft has 
criminal convictions for *deliberately* "not getting along" with other 
companies that it sees as being any sort of a threat.

Which is why they've been in trouble - *twice* - with the American anti-trust 
people. Which is why they are in trouble with the European anti-trust people 

How are we supposed to get on with Microsoft, if Microsoft decides that it has 
no intention of getting along with us? On past performance, once it stops 
ignoring us as totally irrelevant, that is an almost certainty.

It's not unreasonable to compare MS to an abusive husband. And you're saying we 
should "just live with it"? Try saying that to Netscape. Try saying that to 
Lotus. Try saying that to WordPerfect. None of those companies exist any more - 
true, the name lives on, and the product lives on, but the companies are gone 
and what's left is only a shadow. In Netscape's case the courts returned a 
verdict of criminal corporate murder, and it seems highly probable that the 
same is true of the other two.

Take that on board, and you'll realise why people are so wary of supping with 
the Devil ...

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