At 09:17 -0600 2006/01/20, Jerry Banker wrote:
Has there ever been a thought to put either of the U2 products on a Mac? With
all of the recent news about Apple making a comeback I was wondering if there
has ever been a thought to put a release on the MacOS.

I've asked the folks at IBM several times: Around the times that the XServes started getting great reviews, when the Mac-based super computers started logging huge numbers, when Oracle and Sybase made their announcements about Mac versions, when IBM was running a survey about porting DB2 to OS X. Each time I received something to the effect of: "You write a business case, and we'll consider it.". It's interesting that I've never received the "There's no demand." reply.

That said, I still feel that anybody and everybody that would like to see one of the U2 products running on an Apple's XServe/XSAN (both of which have very favorable price/performance and performance/power requirements), drop the folks at [EMAIL PROTECTED] a note. Wally Terhune and Tim Snyder also post to this list, but I don't know if dropping them a note would be helpful or merely annoying.

Alternatively, maybe there's enough Mac Folks on the list to put together a business case as a group.


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