Plus - with AE you can:

DV (this will delete the last multi-value on the line, will clear a line
with only one value)
DV/n (delete a specific mv)


CM (can use pattern matching to change/remove text)

Colin Alfke
Calgary, Canada

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Gary Gowans
>Hari T. K. Varma wrote:
>>Hi All,
>>      In ED I would like how can I change/replace a text 
>containing the 
>>delimiter itself i.e. "\" as part of the text to be replaced
>>0001: FIRST^253HARI/PROG
>>In the above line I would like to delete ^253HARI/PROG
>>Thanks in Advance,
>Sorry for the slow response... I'm an occassional digester!
>Anyway, most responses have suggested the simple solution of 
>using another delimiter (any of : , . - \ etc will do). All 
>very sensible (especially in this example).
>However, when faced with a long, complex string to chop from 
>the end of a line (with multi-values or not) I find the 
>'B'reak facility very useful.
>B x... allows you to 'break' a line into two after the x... part.
[snip long example]
>Gary ('why use one word when several will confuse and 
>irritate?') Gowans
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