> > However, the few files I have moved to dynamic hashing are rediculous in
> > size.  I'm obviously setting some file parameters wrong, but would like
> > insight from anyone who has good luck...
> >
> > The file STC.HIST as a dynamic file takes up 4.3Gig of disk space.  It
> > has around 944,000 records, a blocksize of 1024 but a modulo of
> > 4,000,000+ When I convert this to a static file, I can properly size it
> > with a modulo of around 94,000 which takes up a mere 75Meg.
> >
> > I've tried changing split/merge loads from the default of 60/40 to 20/10.
> > I've tried playing with the minimum modulo....
> A couple of questions: UD or UV?  If UD, dynamic KEYDATA or dynamic

Unidata, Keyonly

> And what is your average record size in the STC.HIST file? 

> Also,
> I am guessing that as a history file, it is going to continue to grow, so
> how about GROW as the minimum modulo?

We purge records in the file after they're 1 year old (if nobody's asked or 
questioned student registrations in a year - well after a course has ended) 
then they can safely be purged.  We do this regularly so the file will not 
continue to grow.

Jeff Butera, Ph.D.
Administrative Systems
Hampshire College

"Hindsight alone is not wisdom."
                     George W. Bush
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