
Thursday, February 2, 2006, 1:41:23 PM, you wrote:

NC> Hello all,

NC> We are currently looking into ways to share our data between
NC> universe and SQL Server, and I am trying to get some suggestions
NC> on the best way to do this.  We are currently generating text
NC> files in UV and ftp'ing those files to a designated location.  We
NC> have a task scheduler that picks up the files when they arrive and
NC> inserts them into SQL server.  I know there are ways to
NC> communicate directly between SQL server and Universe and I am
NC> looking for the best way to do this.  It doesn't matter if
NC> Universe reaches out to SQL Server or vice versa.  Thanks.

I think you will find the BCI client of Universe to be very good at
the communication to SqlServer.  Last year I worked with a client who
needed the same type of communication.  We developed a couple of
routines they could use to 'read/write' SqlServer with minimal
interference with the Universe developers.

It turned out faily well .. quick and error free.

There really is no need to go to any 'external middleware' answer when
all the tools are right there. It lowers maintenance as your
developers don't need to learn anything new (although that IS always

Give it a try .. ask questions here.

DSig                                 `````
David Tod Sigafoos                  ( O O )
                         _______oOOo__( )__oOOo_______

'Politics is like driving. To go backward, put it in R. To go forward, put it 
in D' unknown
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