Thanks Everyone.
For anyone else out there experiencing my pain.
The following is now working for me.

Dim HdrArray As New UNIOBJECTSLib.UniDynArray
HdrArray.StringValue = objOnHand.GetArg(1) 
txtPart.Text = HdrArray.Value(1, 1).StringValue

--- David Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >.Net is not as forgiving as VB6.  In VB6 you could say
> Textbox1 = Value
> In .Net you have to say
> Textbox1.Text = Value
> Leaving ".text" off causes a compile error as .Net does not
> default to a
> property you have to specify it.
> >  HdrArray = objOnHand.GetArg(1)
> You have not specified the property of HdrArray that you are
> assigning
> objOnHand.GetArg(1) to.   I think off the top of my head it is
> ".StringValue" but just check the manual.  Ie
> HdrArray.StringValue
> David Jordan
> Managing Consultant
> DACONO Holdings Pty Ltd
> PO Box 909
> Lane Cove
> NSW 2066
> Australia
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