Bob Witney wrote:
In Universe 10.1.14 it isn't

                :CONNECT sql2
                Enter username for connecting to 'sql2' DBMS [root]: tlogtest
                Enter password for tlogtest:
                SQLConnect error:   Status = -1   SQLState = IM976   Natcode = 
                [ODBC:-1] Data source name not found, or ODBC is not installed 
on the system

Sounds like UV doesn't know about your OpenLink drivers. Did you run relink.uvlibs after upgrading UV? If you're not sure, just execute "ls -l /.uvlibs". It should be a symbolic link pointing to the lib subdirectory of your OpenLink installation directory. If the link isn't there you need to execute "relink.uvlibs /path-to-openlink/lib", then restart UV for the change to take effect.

Assuming the above isn't the problem, you might also want to check the value of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable in UV (type ENV at TCL). I ran into a bug in UV 10.1.4 on RH AS3 where this particular variable could not be set in UV for a non-root user. The variable existed at the unix level for the same user, but not in UV, so the os-level driver test still worked. The workaround was to create a symbolic link in the default system lib directory (/usr/lib in my case) that pointed to the OpenLink driver manager file:

/usr/lib/ -> /opt/openlink/lib/

John Hester
System & Network Administrator
Momentum Group Inc.
(949) 833-8886 x623
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