Nope, never saw it before.  But I can't create CON.XXX from Explorer or
other native Win-XP utilities either.  Apparently not a UD restriction,
but a Windows one.

Now I'm wondering about UV, too.  For backward compatibility with Pick,
UV generally transforms illegal characters in the "item id" into
something that the OS will allow as part of a filename.  I don't know
what it does with a "CON." prefix.

Does UD generally do that sort of transformation, too?  I'm guessing
not.  I'm guessing it conforms to the OS?


> From: Kevin King
> Here's a weird one.  Trying to create a record in a directory 
> file in Unidata on Windows, and the name CON.XXX fails with a 
> "write failure".
> Doesn't matter what the follows "CON.", this file name is 
> apparently illegal.
> It would appear that Windows thinks any file name starting with "CON."
> is being interpreted as the console device.  Anyone else seen 
> this before?
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