
...Original Message... from Ken Wallis

> It sounds like you feel exactly the same about UniData as I 
> did about D3 when I spent a few months contracting at a D3 
> shop - antiquated stuff, how can anybody work with this when
> xxx is so much better?

Yea.  There's a lot about D3 that wears on anyone; this explains why a lot
of people want to convert.  :-)

> I'm not sure which MV enhancements you mean, but I suspect 
> the issue is really one of adapting to looking at things from
> a different perspective.

I would like to think our "perspective" differences is a basis for product
improvement.  :-)  You should see what Microsoft has done with SQL Server
2005 and their admin tools; an impressive improvement from SQL Server 2000.

Raining Data doesn't have the resources to achieve anywhere near this kind
of improvement to D3.  With IBM, however, one would think they would
understand U2 can be improved (mostly to assist conversions and new users).
I can only hope IBM will take the attitude that U2 can, and should, be
improved to bring in other MV applications and encourage new application

As always, thanks for your help and kind comments.  :-)

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